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Challenge 2022 – Justin Wevers: More Forgiveness in Obedience

Challenge 2022 – Justin Wevers: More Forgiveness in Obedience
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Jesus not only saves us from the penalty of sin, but He also saves us from the power of sin in our lives. Because there is a real God who will judge our deeds, we need to be honest about our own failures and sins. When we do that, we’ll see why Jesus’ blood is more precious than any silver or gold. His blood means we don’t have to fear being punished for the things we’ve done wrong any longer. Instead we can rely on God to be obedient, becoming like Jesus more and more.


  1. Have you ever been afraid of what people will think if you obey God?
  2. How does knowing you are child that acts like their (heavenly) Father affect how you feel when you mess up?
  3. Why do you think it’s so easy to rely on our own strength to “be holy” instead of grace?
  4. How does “faith and hope in God” help you when hard things happen?
  5. How can you help each other – as a community – ‘be holy as God is holy’?

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