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Challenge 2022 – Rollo Casiple: More Acceptance in God

Challenge 2022 – Rollo Casiple: More Acceptance in God
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The description of various types of evil in verse 1 aren’t strange phenomena among youth. They know and experience these things all the time, even if they can’t name them. And when they can see these things for what they truly are, they can also see more clearly why the alternative offered by God is worth longing for and growing into.


  1. In the past, what triumphs or traumas have dictated the narrative of your significance and worth?
    2. How have those experiences had a negative or positive effect on your life?
  2. Moving forward, how can God’s acceptance redefine the narrative of how you view yourself?
  3. What effect can God’s acceptance have on specific areas of your life?
  4. What one thing can you do to better grasp that there is more acceptance in God?

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