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Christian Investors Financial (CIF) Church Budgeting Tips

7 Must Haves for Developing and Managing Your Church Budget

CIF Church Budgeting Tips eBook - Final.pdf
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Remember all those courses you took on church budgets, capital campaigns and taxes in Bible college or seminary? Probably not, right? While you rightly focused on Theology I and New Testament II and Introduction to Paul’s Epistles, you didn’t get an opportunity to take courses on some of the more practical, day-to-day activities of a pastor, like developing and managing a church budget.

And, if you pastor a church with less than 300 people, you most likely don’t have the extra staff to handle these tasks—leaving you, the senior pastor, to tackle these on your own.

That’s why we developed this tip sheet and checklist: to provide you with some best practices for developing and managing a church budget.

Learn more about the services offered by Christian Investors Financial: https://christianinvestors.org/

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