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Session 4: Theological Anthropology, Creaturely Limitations and Disability – Dr. John Kilner

From the 2025 EFCA Theology Conference, Dr. John Kilner⁠ delivers his message, "Theological Anthropology, Creaturely Limitations and Disability."

Session 4: Theological Anthropology, Creaturely Limitations and Disability – Dr. John Kilner
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From the 2025 EFCA Theology Conference, Dr. John Kilner⁠ delivers his message, "Theological Anthropology, Creaturely Limitations and Disability," addressing the questions:

  • What does it mean to be created in the imago Dei and live with limitations that are part of the creaturely "very good" pronounced by God?
  • What are the implications to those limitations due to the Fall?

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