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White Cross Handbook

Support ministry in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

White Cross Handbook 2022 & Appendix 1-GHK.pdf
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Your White Cross or Women's Ministry group should encourage families with children, Sunday School Classes, Middle School and High School students and men's ministries to participate. Projects may be done throughout the year and can target completion around holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day. Creativity is encouraged in creating Scripture cards, fabric used in kimonos and extras for dress kits. May God bless your efforts.

  • Backpack Kits
  • Dress & Shorts Kits
  • Layettes
  • Scripture Cards
  • Surgical & Medical Linens
  • Rolled SquaresRolled Bandages & Squares
  • Latex GlovesLatex Gloves
  • Gently used or new Tennis Shoes
  • Touch of Love Care Kits /Mercy Kits

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